The International Director the Lion Salim Musan and the Governor of the region Dr. Nasrallah Al-Burjee, invited the Lion Dr. Hassan Tajideen to participate in the Lions Clubs Association in the region 351 (Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Palestine) for the campaign of the candidate the Lion Saleem Moussan for the post of Vice-President of the International Lions Clubs Association.
The launching ceremony took place at the Hilton Metropolitan Hotel in Sin El Fil, in the presence of the former Minister Mohamed El Mashnouq, Mayor of Jdeideh El Bouchrieh Mr. Antoine Djebara, the Deputy Governors of the region and a number of former rulers.
The governor delivered a speech during the meeting, in which he urged the Lions to make the dream come true by supporting the candidate Moussane.
Also, the Former governor Nabil al-Rous presented the statistics of previous elections held in Honolulu in 2015, and the Former Governor Dr. Fiat Daboussi made a presentation of the previous campaign’s revenues and expenses.
Additionally, the Former governor Samir Abu Samra offered the prospects and chances of the upcoming campaign in Milan 2019, stressing that the odds of winning are high. And finally, Mussan then offered his candidacy for a certain determination to succeed.