Dr Hassan Tajideen Welcomed The Ukrainian Ambassador Ihor Ostash to Lebanon in Tyr

Hassan Tajideen حسن تاج الدين Hassan Tajeddine

The Lebanese Economic Uninion’s President, Dr. Hassan Tajideen, has welcomed the Ukrainian Ambassador to Lebanon Mr. Ihor Ostash and his wife with an Embassy staff, where a guided tour to the families of the Ukrainian community in Lebanon was conducted to the archaeological and touristic sites in Tyr,including the cave of Jesus in Qana Al-Jalil who turned water into wine, which identified some possible touristic area in Tyr which they like very much . the tour has ended with lunch at Al-Nassim touristic resort in Hanaway.

After a welcome from the head of the Ukrainian trade union, Mr Hassan Tajideen has presented a shield to the Ukrainian Ambassador, who thanked him for his good reception, and efforts in promoting economic and social relations between Ukraine and Lebanon.

Tajideen stressed on the “depth Economic relations between the two countries, praising the Ukrainian authorities facilities for Lebanese businessmen and economists to our students who are pursuing scientific achievement. ”

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