The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia awarded the Medal of Friendship and the Ethiopian scarf to the head of the Lebanese Economic Union, Dr. Hassan Tajideen, in recognition of his great role in consolidating economic relations between Lebanon and Ethiopia. The ceremony was held at the Ethiopian embassy in Hazmieh, Ambassador Halima has presented the Medal to Dr. Tajideen in the presence of members of the embassy and members of the Union. “It is an honor for me and the Lebanese people to put this medal on my chest because it is the fruit of cooperation and friendship between the Lebanese and Ethiopian peoples,” Tajideen thanked Ethiopia and the ambassador for awarding him the medal.
He added: I would also like to thank the Lebanese economic Union and the development for the historical relations between the two countries. I will work hard with my colleagues, the Lebanese businessmen, and I would like to express my gratitude to the Lebanese economic Union in order to achieve the strategic partnership between the two countries on the economic level. “