At the invitation of “Al-Iktissad wal Aamal Group” and under the patronage of the President of the Council of Ministers of Lebanon, H.E. Saad Hariri, Dr. Hassan Tajideen was presented during a luncheon ceremony ad Phoenicia Hotel- Beirut, in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy & Trade, Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Lebanon (FCCIAL), Investment Development Authority of Lebanon (IDAL) along with the collaboration of different economic bodies in Lebanon and Arab World, in the presence of a crowded personalities from politicians, economists, journalists, and Arabic businessmen.
Dr. Tajideen has considered that this conference would serve Lebanon and the Lebanese-Arab relations, and connected it with the Arabs and International Markets which gives economic push toward building a stable space that we can benefit from toward acquiring new investments in Lebanon. There is no doubt that the conferences organized by Al-Aktissad Wal Aamal Group consists a milestone in this stage that witnesses many changes.