The head of the Lebanese economic Union, Dr. Hassan Tajideen, has been granted the “Friendship Medal of Bangladesh” from HE Ambassador Abdul Mutallab Sarkir, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to Lebanon, during a ceremony held at the Embassy in the presence of a delegation from the Bangladeshi embassy in Beirut and a delegation from the Lebanese economic Union.
During the meeting, the two parties has exchanged cordial talks and a number of topics on the economic level, praising their efforts in developing relations and consolidating friendship between the two peoples and the two countries. HE Ambassador Sarkir praised Dr. Tajideen’s contributions in the investment sector in general and his humanitarian support and his great role in promoting development in Lebanon and Bangladesh.
The Medal of Friendship is the highest honor in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
The People’s Republic of Bangladesh Imitates Dr. Hassan Tajideen the Friendship Medal